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Joint Entrance for Some, Junky for Others...

By Dr. Nandkishore Rathi | Published on Jun 31, 2023

If qualified the JEE/CET, Congratulations! If not, still Congratulations; because there is still a great career waiting for you. If you know your unique combination of Talent-Passion-Interest, then no one can stop you from being as great as the Indian Cricket Team or Late Dr. APJ.

Getting admission to IITs or NITs is NOT a passport to Happy & Successful career. Getting high rank in Entrance Exam is only reflection of one's academic ability & hard work, nothing much. The real long-term success depends on 'how you handle challenges in real-work situations. Even after IIT/NIT degree people had a frustrating experience of studying technology or doing technology-related work. They landed in a career that proved JUNKY (useless) for them.

We at SetMyCareer evaluate your true potential beyond your entrance-score and exactly guide you to the long-term academic and professional possibilities that are right for you. Our experts will have a video call with you, after the online psychometric career test, to understand you thoroughly and guide you appropriately.

You are Great; the only thing is you need to know, you are great for 'what degree' and 'what work'. Don't get nervous if you are not getting admission to a branded college, and don't be too happy if you are getting one. The real thing is 'in what kind of work you will be respected as an EXPERT' and 'paid like a STAR'. IIT/NIT degree. Is it not better to be a best 'Writer' than an average 'Engineer ', the best Accountant than to be an average Microbiologist', the best Automobile engineer than an average Software developer? Remember, people best at their work always Rock, the rest of them Flop! All the Best.

“Only 11k get admission to IITs against many lakhs who aspire. They work very hard to get in. Nothing much happens by getting into IITs or NITs unless you really are a technology-material for the long term. Without IITs also you can be Happy & Successful”. Dr. Nandkishore Rathi