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Your Big Career Possibilities

By Dr. Nandkishore Rathi | Updated on Aug 12, 2023

“Today, many individuals are fighting a war within themselves on 'where are their big possibilities'. Their passion, talent on one side, education & aspirations on the other. Over and above there is this competitive & turbulent world out there that decides their worth. So, one needs to drive the career by him/herself rather than being driven by the external world. If you ask a Job, you will get what the company's immediate priority is. But if you ask for a specific Responsibility (that you are confident of), you will get an opportunity to be the next level expert. So, let the remote control be with you. Find your big story through a structured & scientific process.” – Dr.Nandkishore Rathi

Ambition - settling abroad. Passion - teaching. Ambition - pursuing an MBA from top b-school. Passion - psychological counselling. We come across such situations in our life. E.g. there is this passionate writer in you, and there is an ambitious individual looking for power, quick success, and glamour. Same about a good job profile in a small company vs an ordinary profile in an MNC. The actual situations are much more complicated than those mentioned here. And there is another side to the story. A passionate writer, wanting satisfaction & success, who possess extremely high analytical & logical ability. Now, all these forces will pull you in different directions. Adding fuel to fire is Google search on different things at different time + seeking advice from friends and relatives. Or taking up unwanted courses. The result is chaos.

The big question is are we in sync with ourselves, and if so, are we in sync with the outside world. Yes, outside world, who pays, who recognizes and who influences, and who wants the best (people). The worst is still not over. The outside world was harmonious with its elements a few decades ago. Now, it has developed new demons like competition, disruption, turbulence and unpredictability. This world (paymaster) decides your worth as a beneficiary. And we can't forget that there is this automation, IoT, AI, and Robotics out there.

So, basically if the problem definition is 'how do I become highly successful by writing stories', and 'settle abroad'. Here, writing stories is a passion. It is a spiritual journey of your imagination, probably supported by the required talent & skills. This is pure bliss. But we start contaminating it with 'abroad, money, settling and hurry'. The result is neither Joy nor Achievement. The vision is blurred because other media interfered with it. You probably have a Javed Akthar, Chetan Bhagat or J K Rowling in you. But to be this, you need enjoy the journey of writing . . . you may or may not reach their level of success for various reasons, (or may probably be better than them), but you will definitely be happy & contended. It is better to be a happy writer than to be a frustrated engineer; or an impactful trainer than an average programmer.

So, identify & understand your area of creative comfort and super expertise, Make A career Change. Your big possibilities are hidden around it.