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How To Become a Microbiologist

Published By Team Setmycareer on Sep 18, 2023

Discover How To Become a Microbiologist.

A Microbiologist is someone who studies the growth, development, and characteristics of microscopic organisms such as bacteria, algae, and fungi. They work in laboratories and offices, where they conduct scientific experiments and analyze the results. Microbiologist plan and conduct complex research projects, such as developing new drugs to combat infectious diseases, supervise the work of biological technicians and other workers and evaluate the accuracy of their results. They isolate and maintain cultures of bacteria or other microorganisms for future study and identify and classify microorganisms found in specimens collected from humans, water, food, and other sources. They monitor the effect of microorganisms on plants, animals, and other microorganisms and on the environment. Preparing technical reports, research papers, and recommendations based on their research finding also, presenting research findings to scientists, non-scientist executives, engineers, other colleagues, and the public are included duties of microbiologist. Microbiologists work in research and development conducting basic research or applied research. The aim of basic research is to increase scientific knowledge.

An example is growing strains of bacteria in various conditions to learn how they react to those conditions. Other microbiologists conduct applied research and develop new products to solve particular problems. Microbiologists use computers and a wide variety of sophisticated laboratory instruments to do their experiments. Electron microscopes are used to study bacteria, and advanced computer software is used to analyze the growth of microorganisms found in samples.

Microbiologists who are fortunate enough to work in the realm of environmental science are on the forefront in the fight against climate change and other environmental dangers that stem from pollution and waste or natural earthly processes. They also may work on the amazing new fields such as green energy or other sustainable sciences. Many microbiologists work on ecology, attempting to explain and monitor environmental health as well as phenomena or localized concerns.

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Work Environment

  • Microbiologists typically work in laboratories and offices, where they conduct experiments and analyze results. Those who work with dangerous organisms must follow strict safety procedures to avoid contamination. Most microbiologists work full time and keep regular hours. Basic researchers usually choose the focus of their research. Applied researchers who work for companies spend more time working on products that the company can sell. They are often under pressure to meet deadlines and follow specifications for grants to fund their research. They may face competition for research grants.

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Entry Level Education

  • Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree in Microbiology.
  • Post Graduate courses the students who have passed B.Sc with Life Science/Microbiology are eligible.
  • Ph.D in Microbiology.



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