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How to Become a Labor Relation Specialist

Published By Team Setmycareer on Sep 09, 2023

Discover How to Become a Labor Relation Specialist

Labor Relations Specialists interpret and administer labor contracts regarding issues such as wages and salaries, healthcare, pensions, and union and management practices. Labor Relations Specialists are vital for preparing information for management to utilize during the collective bargaining process. Using their vast knowledge on economics, wage data, labor law, and collective bargaining trends, labor relations specialists interpret and administer employees’ contracts with respect to grievances, wages or salaries, employee welfare, healthcare benefits, pensions, union practices, and other stipulations. Labor relations managers often implement industrial labor relations programs to oversee compliance with the union’s negotiated contract. Since more and more companies are seeking to avoid litigation or strikes, these specialists are essential for serving as a liaison to resolve disputes between employees and management. In the daily workday of labor relations specialists, they are typically responsible for developing labor policies, overseeing the management of industrial labor relations, negotiating collective bargaining agreements with the union, managing grievance procedures to handle complaints from unionized employees, advising the human resources staff to ensure compliance with the contract, consulting with executive management to get input into aspects of personnel policies, developing new or revised union contracts, compiling information on statistics, and maintaining records of wage and salary surveys or correspondence. The duties of Labor relations specialists typically includes to advise management on contracts, worker grievances, and disciplinary procedures, Lead meetings between management and labor, to meet with union representatives. They also draft proposals and rules or regulations, Ensure that human resources policies are consistent with union agreements, Interpret formal communications between management and labor, Investigate validity of labor grievances, Train management on labor relations. Labor relations specialists work with representatives in a labor union and a company’s management. In addition to leading meetings between the two groups, these specialists draft formal language as part of the collective bargaining process. These contracts are called collective bargaining agreements (CBAs), and they serve as a legal and procedural guide for employee/management relations.

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Work Environment

  • Gaining employment in nearly every industry in the workforce, labor relations specialists often are hired within employment placement agencies, professional employer organizations, business labor organizations, management of companies or enterprises, insurance benefit companies, hospitals, and the state or federal government. Although most work on a full-time basis .Labor relations specialists can even find contracting positions outside of human resources departments or firms that involve frequent travel. Although the daily life and duties related to the profession vary tremendously from one position to the next.

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