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How To Become A judge - Guide

Published By Team Setmycareer on Sep 07, 2023

Discover How To Become Judge

A Judge / Magistrate is a person who presides over court proceedings, either alone, with a panel of judges or a jury, depending on the jurisdiction. A Judge hold more administrative power and are responsible for handling criminal cases, federal cases, constitutional cases and high priority cases.

The judge is expected to hear all witnesses, view all evidences, access the arguments by the prosecutor and the defendant, and form an opinion and give a verdict. On the other hand, Magistrate who is considered as an officer of the state, is responsible for handling smaller and minor cases. They are appointed in Magistrate Courts by the Judge and has limited power in terms of authority, law enforcement and jurisdiction.

Judges commonly preside over trials or hearings of cases regarding nearly every aspect of society, from individual traffic offences to issues concerning the rights of large corporations. They listen to arguments and determine whether the evidence presented deserves a trial. In criminal cases, they may decide that people charged with crimes should be held in jail until the trial, or they may set conditions for their release. They also approve search and arrest warrants.

In trials in which juries are selected to decide the case, judges instruct jurors on applicable laws and direct them to consider the facts from the evidence. For other trials, judges decide the case. A judge who determines guilt in criminal cases may impose a sentence or penalty on the guilty party. In civil cases, the judge may award relief, such as compensation for damages, to the parties who win the lawsuit. Some judges, such as appellate court judges, review decisions and records made by lower courts, and make decisions based on lawyers’ written and oral arguments.

Judges use various forms of technology, such as electronic databases and software, to manage cases and prepare for trials. In some cases, they also may manage the court’s administrative and clerical staff. The duties of Judge includes to research legal issues, read and evaluate information from documents such as motions, claim applications, or records.

They also preside over hearings and listen to or read arguments by opposing parties and determine if the information presented supports the charge, claim, or dispute. It also involves them to decide if the procedure is being conducted according to the rules and law. They also analyze, research, and apply laws, regulations, or precedents to reach judgments, conclusions, or agreements and write opinions, decisions, or instructions regarding the case, claim, or dispute.

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Steps to Become a Judge

  1. Educational Foundation: Obtain a bachelor's degree in a relevant field such as law, political science, or criminal justice.
  2. Law School: Attend and graduate from an accredited law school to earn a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree.
  3. Pass the Bar Exam: Successfully pass the bar exam in the jurisdiction where you intend to practice law.
  4. Gain Legal Experience: Work as an attorney to gain practical experience in various areas of law, such as criminal, civil, or family law.
  5. Build a Reputation: Establish a strong professional reputation by demonstrating legal expertise and ethical conduct.

Skills Required To Become A judge

  1. 1. Legal Knowledge: A deep and comprehensive understanding of the law, legal principles, and jurisprudence is essential.
  2. 2. Analytical and Critical Thinking: Judges must analyze complex legal issues, consider evidence, and make reasoned decisions.
  3. 3. Communication: Effective verbal and written communication skills are crucial for articulating legal opinions and instructions to juries.
  4. 4. Impartiality: The ability to remain impartial and unbiased when adjudicating cases is a fundamental ethical requirement.
  5. 5. Decision-Making: Judges need strong decision-making skills to render fair and just judgments.
  6. 6. Research Skills: Conducting legal research to support decisions and stay current with legal developments is vital.
  7. 7. Integrity and Ethics: Upholding the highest standards of integrity, ethics, and professional conduct is paramount.

Entry Level Education

  • Bachelor's / Master’s Degree in Arts (B.A.), L.L.B ,LL.M. (Latin Legum Magister)or any Degree related to Legal field.
  • M.Phil. (Law).
  • Through passing exams in Public Civil Services (Judiciary) (PCSJ), Higher Judicial Services (HJS).
  • Candidates should be above the age of 21 years and below the age of 35 years.

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