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How To Become a Geologist

Published By Team Setmycareer on Sep 20, 2023

Discover How To Become a Geologist

Geology is a study that encompasses all the materials that make up the earth, the forces that act upon the earth, as well as the biology of ancestral inhabitants based on fossil records. A geologist is someone who works to understand the history of the planet we live on, to better predict the future and explain current occurrences. A Geologist studies earth processes such as earthquakes, landslides, floods, and volcanic eruptions to survey land and draw up safe building plans. When geologists investigate earth materials, not only do they investigate metals and minerals, but they also look into oil, natural gas, water and methods to extract these. Overall, geology is concerned with the changes of the earth over time, such as climate change and land formation. All divisions of Geology provide highly useful information towards understanding the earth and its inhabitants. Depending on the particular specialization in geology, a geologist may study and map rock formations, collect rock samples and fossils, or measure the physical properties of the earth. This helps geologists interpret the active geological processes during the past several million years of earth's history. Geology plays a vital role behind the success of many other different disciplines, such as climatology, civil engineering, and evolutionary biology. The duties of Geologist typically includes to review, integrate, quality control and collect data for geologic, hydrologic and other databases. They also Investigate sites, take samples, and oversee delineation of land and active worksites and communicate with diverse groups like landmen, marketers, regulatory personnel, etc. They also generate data and visualizations such as mineral charts, soil analyses, groundwater modeling, maps, etc.


Work Environment

  • Geologists work mainly in the field outdoors, and they can also do research within laboratories, classrooms, and offices. Since geology deals with much fieldwork, one should be able to adapt to weather changes and to varying terrains. Geologists and geo-technologists work for mining companies or oil and gas exploration companies. They can also find work in civil engineering firms, planning city construction. Additionally, government agencies may need the aid of geologists to support geoscience, education, water affairs, and forestry. A geologist may also work with a variety of organizations over the span of their employment, such as non-profit organizations, universities and natural reserve companies, or work as a consultant.

Is This Career Right For You?

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Entry Level Education

  • Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Geology, Earth science, Environmental science / Bachelor of Arts (B.A) in Geology, Earth science, Environmental science.
  • Bachelor’s / Master’s of Science (Hons.) in Geology.
  • Master of Science (M.Sc) in Geology, Applied Geology.
  • Ph.D in Geology.



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