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How To Become a Defence Officer

Published By Team Setmycareer on Sep 31, 2023

Discover How To Become a Defence Officer

Officers are the leaders of the Defence Force. They’re the ones who can take control of a situation, command people and resources efficiently and make the necessary calls under pressure. They’re driven, ambitious and passionate about what they do. And their expertise is second to none. Officers cover a huge range of specialties across the Navy, Army and Air Force – so no matter your interests, you’ll be sure to find an exciting, diverse career in a field that’s relevant to you. Your job could involve: • Managing hundreds of personnel on base or camp, or teams of 30+ out in the field • Formulating high-level strategies and tactics • Stepping behind the controls of a frigate or aircraft carrying people, equipment and crucial supplies • Commanding high-tech equipment and technology worth millions of dollars • Implementing peace efforts in unstable and politically-charged environments • Being one of the first people on the ground to help plan and manage disaster relief efforts, at home and abroad • Managing the maintenance of one country’s largest and most complex computer networks • Coordinating the protection borders from both external and internal threats, such as illegal fishing • Training and mentoring other personnel in a wide variety of specialist role Officer's' job duties are based on their occupational grouping. Officers select or are assigned to one of three elements: combat, combat support or combat service support. Each of these elements has ''branches'', such as infantry, artillery, ordnance, and quartermaster and so on. Army officers working in a combat specialty supervise and run combat units and military activities. Officers are rotationally assigned to line and staff assignments during their careers.


Work Environment

  • Armed forces Officers may work irregular hours and they may have to spend long periods of time away from their families. Travel is a major part of the role; officers can be posted at locations around the globe. While on duty they have the opportunity to experience a wide range of interesting countries and cultures. Army officers work in varied conditions during peacetime and conflict, or in other unstable or dangerous environments. Army corps is often involved in military operations, usually on the front line of battle. Conditions may be extremely dangerous and potentially life-threatening.

Is This Career Right For You?

Are you feeling uncertain about your career path? Not sure which direction to take? Take the first step towards a fulfilling future

Entry Level Education

  • Military Service: Bachelor’s Degree.
  • Naval Service: Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering.
  • Air force: Bachelor Degree in Physics, Mathematics or Engineering.



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